Isle Harbor Township
6:33 pm, Jan 20, 2025
temperature icon -17°F
overcast clouds
Humidity Humidity: 84 %
Pressure Pressure: 1039 mb
Wind Wind: 15 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 19 mph
Clouds Clouds: 100%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:48 am
Sunset Sunset: 5:01 pm

Physical Address:

Isle Harbor Town Hall

3622 380th St, Wahkon MN 56386

Mailing Address:

Isle Harbor Township

c/o Pamela McGuire-Clerk

3862 380th St, Wahkon MN 56386


Pamela McGuire – Town Clerk



The Town Hall is open only when meetings are being held or by appointment.

Meeting Place Change-April 9-Conference Call Only

Please take notice that the Regular Board Meetings of the Township of Isle Harbor will have a change of place for April 9, 2020. Meeting will not be held at the Isle Harbor Town Hall.

Due to the Peacetime Emergency declared by Governor Walz under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 12, the Health Pandemic that is COVID-19 as labeled by the Center for Disease Control, and the stay-home-order as declared by Minnesota Executive Order 20-20, the following meeting shall be conducted entirely through teleconferencing or other electronic means. If the public wishes to listen to and/or participate in the meeting the public may call the following conference line at meeting time.

April 9, 2020,  8:00 PM

Dial-in number (US): (617) 829-6886


Pamela McGuire, Clerk